the new work of

                     t lee

calypso 24 x 48

t lee marshall  creates native and contemporary art at  
t lee studios

located in the suburban hamlet of
farmers branch, texas.

twana lee marshall was born into a family of artists.  having spent her formative years in the sixties in california, she moved to dallas over thirty years ago. she exhibits her contemporary artwork at various galleries, art shows, and festivals throughout  texas. her wonderfully exciting compulsion to paint has never waned.

    t lee's current series incorporates her own colorfall technique which involves several phases of precise screening followed by streaming of acrylic colors across the canvas. inspired by music and vented by her ever-changing emotions, her rivers of color explode onto the canvas.

original sin 60 x 48

Come Visit t lee at Art Goggles in Ft Worth
Saturday Oct. 8 4 pm. and beyond
Art Goggles is a fun food and free art festival
amongst the shops on Magnolia Avenue

She will be right outside Shinjuku Station
         a great japanese restaurant
Here for Directions

Click above for the Shinjuku Menu

the third day 48 x 36



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t lee was honored to be selected as one of the original local artists in the first ever D Art Slam


some of t lee's current work can be seen at Artisan's Collective in the Bishop Arts District in Oak Cliff

CLICK HERE-Artisan's Collective


email t lee at     

or write her at              

p.o. box 800503, dallas, texas 75380

reflections 36 x 48